Kaia Selene
In a world like this, it's the privilege of a lifetime to be able to share who we truly are. Thank you for visiting and exploring my work.
mountains crave
Recently I’ve been exploring butoh dives into depths underneath melodic sounds. I can appreciate the contrast, the dissonance. And along this vein— here’s a moment covered in ash and holding space for horror & grief. Being blown apart by tiny, broken winds. Everything ends. But how?
We are here now, in this moment only, on this beautiful earth, as she’s beginning to truly spit us out, because of colonizer ways. And if we don’t give this land back to the care of indigenous folks, it will be a good riddance. Let’s work to do that— instead.
Alongside this devastatingly important and tragic unfolding, little me and my little life, as sad inner waves so long have pummeled me. The result of losing a connection a bit like my very own mountain. I’ve been saying goodbye, in different ways, all this while, over and over. To dreams— to my wife— to a life I thought was home. Letting - it - all - go
Finally I have, diving back into roots and an anchor of heart cast deeper. Down in the dark network that connects us all, where myriad spores lurk in ground fertile with potential. Ripe for multiple blossomings: loves. I doubt any one will ever again beat my drums of time with so much focus.
Time. The real currency of life— and how it slinks on by. In the end no thoughts matter. But what calls us might. What calls you? And how can it not be this earth, one way or another? It’s never too late to go. To carve out a vital connection to living. It’s not exactly easy. But it is something, alright. It is Enough.
Please do not forget that the spark of you - is - the spark of this earth.